Industry News

Meowing Heads and AATU win Cat Hampurr award

Ultra premium cat food brands Meowing Heads and AATU have won joint first place for ‘Most Popular Dry Food’ in the 2015 Cat Hampurr awards.

The monthly subscription service provides deluxe sample sizes of feline friendly products including food, treats, toys and supplements to hundreds of cat-crazy customers. The subscribers then rate each product on a scale of one to six based on the reaction of their kitty.

Both brands from Pet Food UK sought off many well-known cat foods to claim first prize, with subscribers extremely impressed by the natural and high quality ingredients. One subscriber exclaimed “FANTASTIC, simply fantastic!”, while another described how her cat “ripped opened the box after it was all packed away!”

The 2015 awards contain some of the highest rated products ever, with thousands of positive responses. Kelly Copeland, Founder of Cat Hampurr comments on Pet Food UK’s success, “Both extremely well deserved winners as the overall scores were higher than many of the treats we include, not bad for something they can tuck into everyday!


“Meowing heads have been a favourite brand with us for a long time, AATU on the other hand is extremely new to the market and Cat Hampurr subscribers were able to sample the goodies before most of the UK!”

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