
Natural Cornish Pet releases new treat range

The potassium aids electrical function in the brain and nervous system in your dog and manganese aids in the preservation of strong bones and cartilage

Natural Cornish Pet has released a new line of fish-based and sweet potato treats available to buy in new re-branded pouches designed to appeal further to the retail trade.

The fish based treats include Omega 3 which is an essential fatty acid and has anti-inflammatory properties which help to condition the coat and skin and aid in joint mobility.

The range includes bags of natural dried sprats, fish finger chews, salmon potato cookies, white fish cookies and white fish cubes.

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They are also good for dental health as the rough texture of dried fish skin encourages dogs to chew and remove any tartar from their teeth.


Furthermore, they aid in digestion as fish protein reduces the growth of unwanted gut bacteria and is a help for dogs with sensitive tummies and older dogs with slower digestive systems.

The sweet potato treats are a rich source of vitamins C and B6 as well as being a good source of manganese, potassium and other B vitamins, vitamin C can help to reduce
inflammation in dogs.

The potassium aids electrical function in the brain and nervous system in your dog and manganese aids in the preservation of strong bones and cartilage.

Sweet potato can also help to balance blood-sugar levels so is a good alternative treat for those dogs suffering from diabetes.

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