Arcadia launch new starter kits

Arcadia has launched new StickyFootGold and JellyPotGold Starter Kits which are ready to ship.
Categorised within three areas, each product area can be used alongside the rest of the range.
Each product is ‘all natural’ and non-toxic and uses as many ‘organic’, human grade ingredients as possible.
The daily use powders seek to replicate wild feeding and can be used alongside the main foods. The invert foods both ‘sustain and nourish’ feeders and custodians, the supplementary feeds consist of hard to find plants, probiotics and vitamins and the substrates are ‘organic’ helping to supply for the needs of plants and animals alike.
The kit contains the following:
- JellyPotGold; x2 powders (one treat, one gutload), Reusable cups, shaker bottle, spoon, feeding ledge.
- StickyfootGold; x1 pouch of SFG, reusable cups, shaker bottle, spoon, feeding ledge.
Both kits have an RRP of £14.99
The company also now has a free poster and give away leaflets covering this range and a small stock of the free EarthPro Booklet.