
Forthglade will partner with Guide Dogs for 2016

Natural pet food company, Forthglade, has named its leading charity for 2016. The Devon-based business will partner with Guide Dogs and aims to launch a ‘Name a Puppy’ campaign commencing in January.

Forthglade will raise funds for the charity by adding a Just Giving page to its website and aims to take part in fundraising activities throughout 2016.

Gerard Lovell, Joint MD at Forthglade said: “We’re contacted by many charities each week and although we hope to still support other great causes, we felt more funds could be raised if we focused our attention on one leading charity.

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“People across the UK have a great affinity with Guide Dogs and the effects that these highly trained animals have on people’s lives. Guide dogs offer an incredible support line and are so loving and loyal with it. When we heard about Guide Dogs’ Name a Puppy’ initiative we just had to get involved. We’re really looking forward to working with the Guide Dogs charity”.


Victoria Noyce-Guthrie, from Guide Dogs, said “‘We’re so pleased to have Forthglade’s support. By supporting our Naming a Puppy scheme and promoting us as their official Charity of the Year, Forthglade can really help us raise funds.”

“It costs approximately £50,000 to support a Guide Dog partnership from the birth of the pup to its retirement, aged about ten. We do not receive any Government funding for this service so without the generosity of donations, we wouldn’t be able to support the Guide Dog partnerships in the UK, which is currently just under 5000.”

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