Current AffairsIndustry News

Busy time for AmPet Products

Interest from the UK in AmPet Products has grown over the past year and is set to continue in 2016.

The Nottinghamshire-based company, which introduces products to the UK from leading American suppliers as well as other major countries around the globe, will be seeking out more best-sellers at Global Expo in March.

AmPet’s sales and marketing director Alex Wilson said: “Over the past few years we’ve secured exclusive UK distributor rights to some fantastic American products and we’re determined to continue this trend in 2016.”

Alex will be hoping to repeat the success of 2015, which has seen the successful introduction of the DOOG range, which includes dog-walking and running belts, collars and leads, treat pouches and bags.


“Pet retailers can be certain that we’ll be working even harder to introduce more fantastic products in 2016.”

If you’re interested in stocking products from AmPet contact Alex Wilson or Debbie Fitton on 0330 088 1673, email or view the range at


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