Cat gets head stuck in empty can

Former stray cat, Felix from Bedworth, has been rescued by the PDSA after trapping his head in an empty can of Whiskas.
Owner, Sam Wellbank, believes the catastrophe took place when Felix searched a neighbour’s recycling bins.
Sam said: “We picked him up but he was very stressed and trying to claw us. He was meowing loudly and was obviously in a lot of discomfort. I drove him straight to PDSA for some urgent help.”
The PDSA’s Pet Hospital in Coventry rushed Felix – who is believed to be five months old – into surgery to remove the can and tend to a cut on his ear.
Vet Nurse Debbie Evans said: “The sharp edges on tins and glass cause obvious risks to pets and wildlife, so we’d recommend keeping recycling covered or enclosed, if at all possible. It you have to keep your recycling boxes outside, make sure that all food containers are rinsed thoroughly to remove any tempting smells and flatten tin cans to stop mischievous pets from getting stuck, like Felix did here.”
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