Dog survives after sausage binge

A dog had life-saving surgery after a sausage binge that caused a potentially fatal stomach condition.
The seven year old Weimaraner, Jake, decided to eat the sausages whole before he began acting unusual. Worried owner Lucy, from Gateshead, said: “One day I noticed he was unusually quiet, then he was sick and had diarrhoea. His chest and stomach became massively swollen – he was like a puffer fish. ”
Vets at Gateshead PDSA pet hospital confirmed Jake was suffering from a potentially deadly condition called Gastric Dilation, which happens when the stomach twists causing a dangerous build-up of gasses. Without treatment, it can be fatal within hours.
Lucy said: “I was convinced we were going to lose him, so to hear he had pulled through was amazing – although I knew he wasn’t out of the woods yet. The vets found four whole sausages in his stomach, which they think was the likely cause of his problem. We knew he loved sausages but had no idea he was literally swallowing them whole!”
PDSA vet nurse Cheryl Nash explained: “Jake’s condition was incredibly serious – just another few hours and it’s likely he wouldn’t have made it.
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