Trade Organisations

OATA’s new pond and aquarium contractor scheme

The Ornamental Aquatic Trade Association (OATA) is in the process of launching a new membership scheme. The project will be aimed at pond and aquarium contractors.

OATA’s new scheme aims to help businesses set high standards by signing up to a Code of Conduct from a well-recognised organisation. Members will also get access to high quality information and forms that will help them with risk assessments, biosecurity issues and record keeping.

“We want to help pond and aquarium contractors show that they follow high standards in their business. By becoming a member they agree to abide by our Code of Conduct which we think will be a good plus point with customers,” said assistant to the chief executive Gaby Solano, who is responsible for managing the scheme at OATA.

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“Members will be given a special sticker to show they are part of the scheme and they’ll get access to a range of information and useful forms they can use in their business in our members’ only area of our website.


“Many contractors are small businesses so finding time to keep up-to-date can be difficult. We’ve made it easier by pulling a lot of useful documents they can download and use and they will receive regular updates on the latest issues affecting their business.

“They will also be invited to join our new closed Facebook group where they can share information and ask for guidance on issues.”

Find more information about the scheme at

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