Industry NewsRetailers

Consumers’ right to 30 day refund becomes law

New protection for consumers has come into force under the Consumer Rights Act.

Anyone who purchases faulty goods will be entitled to a full refund for up to 30 days after the purchase is made.

Previously consumers were only entitled to refunds for a ‘reasonable time’. There is new protection for those purchasing digital content too such as films, music and eBooks.

If found to be faulty, the consumer will be entitled to a full refund or a replacement. This also covers second-hand goods when bought through a retailer.


The Consumer Rights Act says that goods:

  • Must be of satisfactory quality, based on what a reasonable person would expect, taking into account the price
  • Must be fit for purpose. If the consumer has a particular purpose in mind, he or she should make that clear
  • Must meet the expectations of the consumer

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