Scammers Target Manchester Dogs’ Home Donations
Manchester Dogs’ Home has issued a warning following reports that door-to-door scammers have been operating in Worsley in Salford and Leigh, near Wigan. The house callers claim to be collecting money in aid of the Dogs’ Home, which lost 50 animals in a fire on September 11th.
The organisation tweeted to say: ‘Warning to public: Anyone coming door-to-door in the Manchester area to set up direct debit donations to the Dogs’ Homes, it’s not us!’ The scammers are said to be asking homeowners to hand over their bank details. The Manchester Dogs’ Home advised: ‘If you get house-to-house callers claiming to be from the Dogs’ Homes asking you to set up direct debit, it’s bogus – pls call 101 & report’.
Over 100 dogs were rescued from last month’s blaze. Many have been moved to alternative locations, including the organisation’s sister site, the Cheshire Dogs’ Home.
Respondents to legitimate requests for donations have already raised £2 million. Members of the public looking for a genuine way to make donations can follow the link from the website.