Current Affairs

RCVS Charitable Trust relaunches as RCVS Knowledge

The RCVS Charitable Trust, has announced a complete rebranding that includes a change of name to RCVS Knowledge and the refocus of its mission on supporting the flourishing evidence-based veterinary medicine (EBVM) movement across the globe.

For the past 50 years, the charity has been known as a small funder of veterinary research and the home of the only freely-accessible library for the practising veterinary community in the UK.


Nick Royle, executive director of RCVS Knowledge said: “RCVS Knowledge is a name that encompasses our three core offerings: historical knowledge represented by our valuable Historical Collection, present knowledge, represented by our library, and future knowledge, represented by the new evidence based veterinary medicine  project, which is underpinned by our grants programme.”

The RCVS Knowledge relaunch comes as the charity refocuses its efforts to become a global intermediary for EBVM, a direction reached following a period of consultation, and on the back of a successful symposium on the subject held at the end of 2012.

RCVS Knowledge’s Library and Information service will be re-designed to make it much more than shelves of journals, but rather a resource with the capacity to steer first-rate care and innovation, and an information engine capable of driving evidence based veterinary medicine at a global level.

The Grants and Awards program, for which the former RCVS Charitable Trust has been known, will be redesigned to celebrate professional excellence and to address gaps in veterinary knowledge. 

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