Current Affairs

Vet’s Klinic aims to start veterinary ‘revolution’

Vet’s Klinic, a new venture by TV vet Joe Inglis, has been launched with the aim of making veterinary treatment open and transparent to pet owners.

Based in Swindon, Vet’s Klinic is a state-of-the-art practice that offers a glass-fronted treatment room; online booking and payment facilities; the ability to view your pet medical records online; and live internet streaming.

Vet’s Klinic aims to put owners at the forefront of their pets care by making treatment as open and honest as possible. Each vet and vet nurse has an iPad that will be used to take pictures and videos of each animal during their visits to the centre, to be uploaded to the internet for owner’s to keep track of their pet’s treatment and progress.


Joe Inglis chose Swindon as the location for his brainchild because of what he saw as a need for affordable and transparent pet care in the area.

Joe remarked: “A pet’s value is priceless to most owners and they need to know they can trust the vets with their loved ones and recognise that they are still in control. Vet’s Klinic puts owners back in the picture, and ensures pets are treated in an open, honest and professional manner. We intend to be in regular communication with owners through maintaining consistent pet records and disclosing these to the owner, which is a first in the pet care industry.”

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