Pets at home launch new ‘We know pets by heart’ campaign

Pet care retailer, Pets at Home, has just launched a new £2 million integrated marketing campaign to showcase their expertise in responsible pet ownership.
The ‘We know pets by heart’ campaign is built around the employees who work at Pets at Home, highlighting the benefits that their personal experience of owning pets, combined with quality training, brings to the customer experience in store. A new TV ad highlights this, featuring a range of pets owned by Pets at Home employees including cats, dogs, fish, a bearded dragon, a parrot and a frog.
The new campaign was launched on 9 May and will run for six weeks supported by other above-and below-the-line support including PR, local marketing and in-store communication. The TV ad features the soundtrack You make me happy, sung by the up-and-coming musician Sophie Madeleine, from Brighton.
Scott Jefferson, marketing director for Pets at Home, said: “The aim of our new campaign is to highlight the fact that at Pets at Home, whether you own a hamster or a bearded dragon, you can talk to someone who will genuinely understand your pet’s individual needs.
92 per cent of our colleagues own a pet, so not only are they qualified to offer the very best pet care advice to our customers but they are also experienced pet owners. They can empathise with the everyday joys and challenges that pet ownership brings and provide tailored advice for individuals and their pets.”
The campaign creative has been developed by Krow Communications and integrated across the business by Euro RSCG PR Manchester, MediaEdge and Shoot the Moon.