Boehringer Ingelheim launches Equine Airway Solutions: practice-based CPD
Boehringer Ingelheim, manufacturer of Equisolon, has launched a short, interactive Equine Airway Solutions practice-based CPD module.
The module, which accounts for one hour’s CPD, is facilitated by a Boehringer Ingelheim territory manager and presented by Dr Tim Brazil BVSc, PhD, CertEM, DECEIM, MRCVS, a leading expert in equine internal medicine.
The presentation will help refresh veterinary professionals’ knowledge on equine lower respiratory tract disease, including Recurrent Airway Obstruction (RAO), and encourage them to feel confident and fully equipped to deal with this common respiratory scenario in practice.
During the module, veterinary professionals will be guided through two common equine respiratory cases and will be encouraged to discuss potential approaches to diagnosis, treatment and management in the cases he describes. The module is supported by supplementary notes which can be referred to both during and after the presentation.
Additional webinars on equine respiratory disease are also available on the Boehringer Academy website. These include: ‘Diagnosing equine lower airway disease’ by Scott Pirie, ‘Managing infectious respiratory disease’ by Phil Ivens, ‘Clinical diagnostics and management of acute respiratory distress’ by Tim Brazil and ‘Treatment of inflammatory airway disease’ by David Rendle.
To book your in-practice CPD meeting please contact your local Boehringer Ingelheim territory manager.
To view the equine respiratory disease webinars please visit and search for ‘Inspiring CPD’.