BusinessCharitiesIndustry News

PitPat and Dogs Trust invests 50k to ‘support canine well-being’

PitPat and Dogs Trust are launching a new collaboration to encourage dog-owners to monitor the activity levels of their pet. 

The two-year partnership will see a “minimum of £50k invested into supporting the wellbeing of dogs in the UK”, with PitPat making a £5 donation to Dogs Trust for every sale of its dog activity monitor to charity supporters. 

The venture has been created in conjunction with the PitPat dog activity monitor and app, a tracker device which allows pet owners to see a breakdown of their dog’s activity levels, how far they’ve walked and how much their pet weighs. 

Nick Daniel, Dogs Trust marketing director said: “We are absolutely thrilled to be partnering with PitPat, as every pound raised through the partnership will help us continue to support the thousands of dogs in our care while they await their forever home.


“Whilst this year has been a challenging time for us all, for many spending more time at home has meant we’ve been able to enjoy more quality time out with our four-legged friends.  As our routines start to change again, now could be an opportune time to ensure we keep this new routine and give our dogs all the time and exercise we both need”.

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