
Battersea Dogs and Cats home issue advice on coronavirus

Battersea Dogs and Cats Home has said at present there is “no evidence” of pets being infected with coronavirus, following the recent outbreak.

The World Organisation for Animal Health also said the current spread of COVID-19 is a “result of human to human transmission” and to date, there is no evidence that companion animals can spread the disease.

Senior vet Daniella Kelsey-Foreman has the following advice for pet owners: “The best advice to us all at the moment is to regularly and thoroughly wash our hands, and this applies after being around our pets too.”


If pet owners are self-isolating and feeling unwell Kelsey Forman said: “Where possible, restrict contact with your dog or cat as a precautionary measure, and avoid petting, snuggling, being kissed or licked, or sharing food. If you do need to interact with your dog or cat, wash your hands before and after any interaction with them.

“If possible, arrange for a friend or family member to care for them in their own home until you have recovered and no longer need to self-isolate. If your pet shows signs of ill-health please call your vet to discuss your animals’ condition. Do not visit the surgery in person.”

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