
Henry Bell & Co offers advice on nest boxes

Bird and pet food manufacturer Henry Bell and Co has offered advice on nest box education, ahead of national nest box week (14-21 February 2020).

The Henry Bell range of Nest Boxes are specifically designed to encourage different bird species, including Robins, Blue Tits, Great Tits, House Sparrows and Wrens. 

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Henry Bell and Co said all boxes are all crafted to provide “adequate insulation” from the cold and extremes of weather and have good drainage, locks to protect from predators and top opening – as recommended by wild bird care experts. 


Each nest box comes with recommendations about how best to use, clean and position the nest box. 

Henry Bell and Co also offered tips on how to select and care for the right nest box:

  • Decide which birds you wish to attract into your garden: Ensure your nest box caters to the bird species you have in mind, such as a 32mm entrance hole which is suitable for the House Sparrow, Great Tit and Nuthatch, or an open front for Robins, Pied Wagtails and Wrens. Consider putting up nest boxes with different size holes as you will then cater for a variety of species. Whatever you choose, ensure there is plenty of fresh water available.
  • Where to position the box: Safely locate the nest box away from predators, hanging it at a height of 2-4m from the ground (or below 2m from the ground in cover for open front nest boxes). Face the box between north and east, thus avoiding strong sunlight and the wettest winds. Make sure that the birds have a clear flight path to the nest.
  • Caring for your nest box: Do not disturb the nesting box once it is in use. It is recommended that you clean your nesting box after September. Do this using rubber gloves and removing all nesting material, carefully using boiling water to kill any parasites.
  • Consider the long-term relationship: Natural nesting sites are becoming scarce and wild birds and becoming more reliant upon nesting boxes. There are also ever decreasing food resources for wild birds and it is becoming more and more essential that you feed your garden birds all year round. Once you have started, try and create a routine as the birds will become reliant upon your help to bring life and vitality into your space.

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