
Vets warn of ‘prolific vomiting’ outbreak amongst dogs

The Small Animal Veterinary Surveillance Network (SAVSNET) at the University of Liverpool announced it is collecting data on a potential outbreak of prolific vomiting in UK dogs.

SAVSNET said that vets across the country, including Oxford, Burnley, Derbyshire and Liverpool, have reported acute onset prolific vomiting, which it defines as five or more episodes in a 12-hour period.

Affected cases seem to “vomit more frequently than is typical” for canine gastroenteritis, and some cases are also involving diarrhoea and prolonged lethargy.


The veterinary network said it does not know if the outbreak is part of “normal seasonal variation” or whether a specific virus or bacteria is involved. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated dogs have reportedly been affected.

However, the network also said that dogs usually make a full recovery with routine symptomatic veterinary therapy, and that there is no known risk to people.

It also said that there was “anecdotal evidence” that affected dogs can transmit the disease, and warned owners and vets to handle suspect cases carefully, limiting contact between affected and unaffected dogs.

The network is now asking vets, nurses and owners who have come across the cases to complete a questionnaire on the SAVSNET website in order to collect data.

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