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70% of dog owners exercise with their dog, study suggests

70% of dog owners participate in sport with their four-legged friends, a study suggests.

The survey by performance dog gear brand, Ruffwear, revealed that hiking was the most popular activity as 78% of the 200 active dog owners surveyed occasionally hiked with their dogs.

43% of the people surveyed said they took part in dog pulling sport ‘Canicross’, while 38% of dog owners participate in Parkrun with a canine companion.


The survey also revealed the size of the opportunity for those retailing in the pet and outdoors sectors, with 75% purchasing specialist sporting equipment to allow them to participate in these activities, such as special harnesses and waist worn leashes.

The survey also revealed the most popular breed for outdoor activities was the Border Collie, followed by Spaniels in second, Terriers in third and not forgetting Labradors in fourth place. 

Accapi Group’s director of marketing Sam Collier said: “Bringing your dog along on your outdoor adventures gives you both the opportunity to enjoy the fantastic benefits of being outdoors – enjoying nature, exercise and quality time with your four-legged friend.”

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