
Wellpets Vets first to receive IVC Patient Safety Accreditation

Wellpets Vets in Sheerness has become the first out of over 800 UK practices within the Independent Vetcare group to receive the company’s Patient Safety Award.

The award was created by the IVC’s clinical board, in a bid to raise the standards of patient safety within practices.

To achieve the award, practice teams have to demonstrate that they have a coherent clinical governance policy, follow strict hygiene protocols, use checklists, perform regular clinical audits and engage in regular reviews of clinical case outcomes.

David Tweedle, a member of the clinical board and lead on the Patient Safety Working Party said: “Congratulations to the team at Sheerness on their hard work to improve patient safety. Our practices are always keen to improve standards of care and I’m sure many more will be joining Sheerness and proudly displaying their award in the near future.”


Zoe Jeffery who led the project at Sheerness Vets, added: “I feel all practices should work on this award. It allows you to identify your weaknesses as a practice and develop new protocols and ideas as a team. All staff members from clinical to non-clinical, students to management can get involved and develop an understanding of patient safety.

“I found the award highlighted areas in the clinic which were often neglected or not thought of as significant. By working through and discussing issues we were able to reinforce better standards. Team members are more likely to change and improve as they had a better understanding and awareness.”

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