
RCVS launches 2019 Surveys of the Professions

The regulatory body for veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses, the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) will launch its landmark Surveys of the Professions 2019 sent to every member of the RCVS and registered veterinary nurse to help get a current snapshot of the professions.

The surveys include questions on demographic data, work-related data and information about professional achievement, and will be conducted on the College’s behalf by the Institute for Employment Studies.

Respondents will be asked about their views on different aspects of their profession, including career plans, challenges facing the profession, and wellbeing.

There will also be questions around the professions’ views of the RCVS, including its values, how it should communicate, and what it should prioritise in future years.


Lizzie Lockett, RCVS CEO, said: “The results of the surveys form a very important ‘snapshot’ of the profession at a given point in time, but they also prove useful for years to come in terms of how the college develops its regulatory and educational policy, the areas it chooses to focus on and the issues it chooses to tackle.

“The ensuing reports are also used by a myriad of other individuals, such as those in academia, government and representative bodies, as well as journalists. It’s therefore really important that we have as accurate a picture as possible. So although completing the Surveys is entirely voluntary, we strongly encourage members of the profession to take the time to complete them. It will, ultimately, help the development of appropriate and supportive policies for your profession.”

Alongside the two main surveys, aimed at vets and vet nurses respectively, there will be an additional survey for MsRCVS who practise overseas.

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