
Cats Protection urges Scottish govt to include cats in new Dog Theft Bill

The new Dog Theft (Scotland) Bill acknowledges that the theft of a dog causes loss to both the owner and the dog itself

Cats Protection is urging the Scottish government to also include cats in the new Dog Theft (Scotland) Bill.

According to the charity group, it is deeply concerned that cats have been overlooked in this important legislation, leaving thousands of Scottish pet owners without the same legal protections.

The new Dog Theft (Scotland) Bill acknowledges that the theft of a dog causes loss to both the owner and the dog itself.

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Furthermore, the penalties for stealing assistance dogs will be more severe, reflecting the vital services they provide to their owners. However, there is no such bill advocating for cats.


Alice Palombo, advocacy officer for Cats Protection, said: “For too long, the theft of beloved pets has been treated no differently than the theft of any other personal property. This Bill is a huge development in recognising dogs as sentient beings with strong emotional bonds to their owners, ensuring that this is considered when sentencing. Scotland is a nation of animal-lovers, and it is disappointing that the same logic has not been applied to cats and other pets.”

“The theft of a cat is no different than the theft of a dog, it causes the same emotional impact for owners and distress for their stolen pet. Despite this, under this Bill, cat owners will not receive the same protections as dog owners.”

Palombo added: “While we acknowledge that Maurice Golden MSP, who has proposed this Bill, hopes that it will act as a catalyst for wider reform and future legislation, cat owners should not have to wait years for the same legal protections that dog owners will immediately benefit from.

“The promise of a government review in years to come offers little comfort to the thousands of families who have already suffered the heartbreak of a stolen cat. We urge the Scottish government to take immediate action, not wait for a review of the Act in five years’ time, but by introducing specific protections for cats and indeed other pets in this legislation. All pet owners deserve equal recognition under the law which we believe is essential for improving animal welfare in Scotland.”

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