Pet Owners sees interested puppy buyers increase 14.3% in 2024

The Cockapoo was the most popular breed with 421,512 listing views in 2024, up 81% from 2023 has found that the number of interested puppy buyers has increased 14.3% in 2024, totalling 2.4 million.

The company stated that on average, there were 81 potential buyers for each puppy listed in 2024.

The company also found that smaller, more adaptable breeds like the French Bulldog and Chihuahua are rising in popularity.

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However, despite this, larger breeds, such as the Cane Corso and Rottweiler, also saw notable growth.


The Cockapoo was the most popular breed with 421,512 listing views in 2024, up 81% from 2023.

Alongside this, Cocker Spaniels followed closely, seeing a 99% increase in views.

A spokesperson at said: “The puppy market continues to demonstrate remarkable resilience and growth, defying challenges like the ongoing cost of living crisis. The rising demand highlights the enduring bond between people and their pets, remaining a source of comfort and joy during difficult times.

“Not to mention, there is growing awareness of the benefits of pet ownership for mental and emotional well-being. For many households, welcoming a puppy is not just about adding a pet to the family but investing in a relationship that brings stability, happiness, and purpose.”

The added: “Following the XL Bully ban, many muscular dogs were at the centre of much publicity. So, it’s not surprising that some prospective owners are opting for smaller breeds. But our message to owners remains the same – any dog has the potential to display aggressive behaviour, regardless of breed.

“When it comes down to it, owners need to ensure their pets are properly trained, socialised and cared for. Whole breeds should not be tarnished with the same brush when the root cause of aggression is usually irresponsible ownership and poor breeding practices.”

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