UK pet owners expected to increase e-commerce spending
According to the research, the UK e-commerce market topped £111.5bn in 2022, with online revenue for 2027 projected to reach £168.8bn

Pet owners in the UK are expected to have increased their online spending by 12% in 2023 when compared with 2022, according to data from Whistl.
Whistl unveiled its latest e-commerce Consumer Research report which surveyed 1,000 people 61% of whom owned pets.
The data found that the pet owners surveyed had a median household income of at least £70,000.
It also found that 40% of respondents currently had a recurring subscription for e-commerce purchases.
More than half (52%) of respondents with pets noted delivery cost as the most important delivery feature, compared to the 26% who ranked delivery speed as number one
Alongside this, 56% of them had kids as well as pets, 46% were male and 54% were female, and 73% of pet-owning respondents had dogs while 53% had cats.
Furthermore, 32% of the group were between the ages of 18 and 24, 49% were between the ages of 35 and 43 and 19% were 55 years old or older.
According to the research, the UK e-commerce market topped £111.5bn in 2022, with online revenue for 2027 projected to reach £168.8bn.