Mr Bug unveils mealworm seasoning shaker
Mr Bug is the UK’s first DEFRA approved mealworm bug farm

Mr Bug has announced the addition of a new mealworm seasoning “superfood” shaker to its range of products.
The new product aims to add a mealworm protein flavouring to any dog food with the shaker available in a 135ml size and retailing for £5.99.
Mealworms contain more B12 than salmon, more calcium than milk, more calcium than milk and iron than spinach plus all 9 essential amino acids.
Conal Cunningham, founder, said: “Feedback from consumer shows like Crufts highlighted to us how worried growing numbers of pet parents were concerning the contents of their dog’s favourite dog foods. Insect protein toppers are seen as a common sense means of providing a generous dusting of nutritional vitality to any dog’s daily eating regime.”
Mr Bug is the UK’s first DEFRA approved mealworm bug farm.