One in five vets wish pet owners were more financially prepared
The survey of 100 vets and vet nurses was carried out by Napo at the Vet Show

One in five vets and vet nurses said that they wished that pet owners were more financially prepared for pet ownership and vet costs, according to a survey from Napo.
Over 13% of those surveyed said they wished pet owners would better understand signs of pain in their pets and not procrastinate taking them to the vets. As well as this 8% of the vets wished owners would stop consulting google for medical advice.
Nearly 10% of the respondents said that they wanted owners to stop overfeeding their pets. Napo stated that around half of dogs are now overweight or obese.
Moreover, over 10% of the respondents stated that they wished owners would do more research on breeds and breed risks before buying pets. This included not buying brachycephalic breed dogs such as French bulldogs.
The survey of 100 vets and vet nurses was carried out by Napo at the Vet Show.