Gaynor Hillier re-elected NOAH Chair

Gaynor Hillier, head of Elanco Animal Health, has been re-elected as the National Office of Animal Health (NOAH) chair for 2018, following this year’s AGM at BMA House in London on 15 June.
Hillier was first elected chair in 2017, having been an active member of the NOAH board since 2011, and its vice-chair since 2013. She started her career in animal health as NOAH’s technical executive in 1990. She has been head of Elanco Animal Health UK and Ireland since January 2015.
Speaking at the NOAH Members’ Day, which followed the AGM, she outlined NOAH’s proposed new Strategic Framework for 2018-23.
Hillier said: “While our association has achieved much, we live in rapidly changing times and it is right to keep our focus and activities under review. The NOAH board undertook a strategic review of our association in March that looked at its vision, values and purpose and prioritised the key areas where NOAH should focus its work.
“Clearly in the short to mid-term, Brexit s a top priority with NOAH working to support business continuity and opportunity through and post EU Exit. Our regulatory focus remains as important as ever, as does our work on One Health topics, ensuring appropriate access and responsible use of medicines for all animals,” she said.
She added: “We will work on delivering for our members, current and future, to provide relevant services to our current and broadening membership in the face of a changing market landscape and we will capitalise on our position as the voice of our industry to promote the benefits of our sector to society and to help create a climate where our member businesses can succeed”.
She invited members to discuss the proposals and to feed back their views. The new NOAH Strategic Framework 2018-23 will be finalised at the next NOAH Board meeting in July.