ManufacturersPet Owners

Purina launches ‘world’s first’ pet-friendly domestic violence shelter

Purina has partnered with US domestic violence shelter provider Urban Resource Institute (URI) to launch the world’s first entirely pet friendly shelter.

Named PALS Place the seven story shelter will be located in New York and will feature 30 specialised flats for individuals, families and pets. The shelter is predicted to open around August and will hold up to 100 people.

Research carried out by the companies suggests that victims of domestic violence may not go into a shelter for fear that their pets will be abused in their absence.

Nina Leigh Kruger, president of Purina, said: “I can’t imagine leaving my dogs in a dangerous or abusive situation, and domestic violence victims shouldn’t have to make that decision.


“By working with URI on this amazing project, and many others, we hope to set a new standard of care for domestic violence survivors that is centered around keeping pets and people together when they need each other most.”

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