
Kennel Club to hold sustainable canine seminar

The Kennel Club will be holding a ‘Sustainable Canine’ seminar in partnership with Nottingham Trent University with lead speakers from within the dog world on Saturday 15 September 2018.

The seminar will take place at Nottingham Trent University, Brackenhurst Campus and will focus on key canine topics including relationships between owners and their dogs, environmental matters, behaviour management and training, the health and wellbeing of dogs and the canine athlete.

The event is open to anyone with an interest in or involvement with dogs such as dog training instructors, canine behaviourists, members of the KCAI scheme, veterinary professionals and dog handlers and competitors.


The seminar opens for registration at 8am and will finish at 4.30pm. There will be three sessions before lunch: ‘canine psychology’ by Helen Zulch, ‘access and public space protection orders’ by Stephen Jenkinson and ‘nutrition and obesity’ by Jackie Boyd.

Following lunch there will be a further three sessions: ‘behaviour and management training’ by Craig Ogilvie, ‘how to condition your canine athlete’ by Iain MacDonald and ‘performance recovery’ by Tracey Carter.

Delegates are encouraged to book early through the Kennel Club online shop, with an early bird discount price until 9 May which includes lunch and refreshments.

Pre-registration for this seminar is essential as there will be no tickets available on the day, and that bookings must be received by Friday 17 August.

Caroline Kisko, Kennel Club secretary, said: “The Kennel Club Sustainable Canine seminar will be an interesting and useful day, full of learning led by experts in their field. It is important for the Kennel Club to be able to co-ordinate seminars such as this to help give back and support those professionals and dog lovers who continue to give so much time to dogs.”

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