Puppy purchased while parents on holiday finds home

A three-month-old puppy, who was bought while the buyer’s parents were on holiday, but later no longer wanted, has found a new home.
The Jack Russell pup, named Donnie, had been sold to a young buyer who had purchased the pup while their parents were on holiday.
Unfortunately after the parents returned from holiday they couldn’t cope with looking after the puppy and the poor pooch was later brought into London-based animal welfare charity, Mayhew.
Mayhew’s head of animal welfare, Zoe Edwards, said: “There are already so many unwanted animals in rescue centres like ours that have come from people who buy pets on a whim, without taking into consideration the responsibilities and needs of the animal.
“At Mayhew we do not judge and we are here to assist and advise pet owners on the best course of action for their animal.
“Absolutely anyone over the age of 16 can walk into a pet shop or buy any animal they want online. There are no checks on the reliability and ability of buyers to look after pets.
“Mayhew is a member of the Pet Advertising Advisory Group (PAAG), which aims to ensure that pets advertised for sale are done so legally and ethically. It also aims to raise public awareness of the need to act responsibly when buying pets from websites and the need to do research before making any purchase. We ask that owners think responsibly about where they get their pets from and consider adopting a rescue dog or cat first.
“When getting a new pet you should always consider whether you will be able to look after them correctly, and if you are able to provide them with the Five Welfare Needs including a suitable environment and the need to be protected from pain, injury, disease, and suffering.”
After receiving a thorough health check from Mayhew’s Vet Team at their on-site Community Vet Clinic, including vaccinations and neutering, Donnie was put up for adoption and quickly found a new home.
Donnie has since been renamed Peanut and is enjoying his new life in his loving home, and particularly loves chasing tennis balls.
Peanut’s new owner, Steve, said: “Peanut is full of beans and is learning very quick. After a couple of hours of chasing a ball, he likes to rest – he snores very loudly and even barks in his sleep.
“He may be very excitable, but he makes up for it by being cute and loveable. My previous Jack Russell reached 17 years of age and I’m hoping that Peanut will do the same.”
Mayhew supports the government’s call for evidence on whether there should be a ban on third party puppy sales. Environment secretary, Michael Gove, has invited all interested parties to share their views by May 2nd, 2018, on how this could best be introduced.