CharitiesIndustry News

Charity helps former Special Forces Dog

Mayhew Afghanistan came to the rescue of a retired US Special Forces mine detection dog that had a tumour on his right hind leg.  

The animal welfare charity’s Afghanistan Country director, Dr. Mohammadzai DVM, was called by the former working dog’s owner.

The seven-year-old German Shepherd, named Graf, had a tumour on the flank of his right hind leg, which was thankfully benign. Some initial surgery had been carried out, but unfortunately this had not been completely successful, so the owner had called Dr. Mohammadzai DVM and Dr. Hadi for help and advice.

Mayhew’s Afghanistan Country Director, Dr. Mohammadzai DVM, said: “Dr. Hadi and I were called by Graf’s owner to help carry out the remedial surgery. And many thanks go to the Veterinary Clinic at the Afghanistan Mine Detection Centre for the use of their facilities.”


“Following the surgery, Graf is slowly getting back on his feet with the help of his adopted family. We also made sure he was given a thorough health check including a rabies vaccination jab.”

Graf is recovering well thanks to Mayhew Afghanistan vets, Dr. Mohammadzai and Dr. Hadi, and is enjoying retirement with his adopted family in Afghanistan.

From August 6th last year, Mayhew Afghanistan has been implementing the first mass canine rabies vaccination programme in the city, which covers the main 16 districts in Kabul and have vaccinated over 4000 dogs so far. This is the first step in a long-term strategy to eradicate rabies from Kabul city in three years.

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