Beaphar welcomes new team member

The Beaphar UK marketing team has welcomed a new member, with Ross McKenzie taking on the role of digital marketing executive.
He succeeds Alex Ward, who has recently been promoted to Beaphar’s global brand team as global online marketing manager and has moved to Beaphar’s Head Office in Raalte, Holland.
Ross joins Beaphar after working for a film and production company, where he worked on projects for clients of all sizes, from international energy companies to educational institutes. He is also currently completing his Chartered Institute of Marketing Diploma, which will further his knowledge and understanding of digital marketing.
As part of his new role, Ross will be in charge of Beaphar’s digital activity, creating digital assets to support marketing campaigns and keeping the company website updated.
Ross said: “I was lucky enough to learn many valuable skills in my previous role which I’m looking forward to putting into practice at Beaphar. The UK marketing team is a strong one, and I’m thrilled to be a part of it.”
Vicky Le Fanu, UK marketing manager, said: “It’s a really exciting time for Ross to be joining the company, and he brings with him some key skills that will give us even more possibilities for future marketing campaigns. I am delighted to have him on board.”