Current Affairs

PetQuip launches guidance following Brexit trade deal

Following the announcement of the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA), which has been reached following discussions between the UK and the EU, PetQuip organisers have launched a guidance initiative to help UK companies “navigate their way” around new trading rules.

The association, alongside Gardenex and the Commercial Horticultural Association (CHA) will be publishing a series of trade deal bulletins, designed to give member companies information about how to deal with life outside the EU. 

Since the Brexit deal was announced on Christmas Eve, the organisations have examined the 1,250 plus pages of the official document to “ensure members receive clear guidance on the route ahead”.

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The first UK/EU trade deal bulletin, containing details of the new arrangements and actions for exporters, was sent out to members ahead of new trading arrangements which came into force on 1 January. 


The series of bulletins are part of a range of information being provided to member companies. 

According to PetQuip, the combination of bulletins, industry updates, webinars and the online helpline is providing companies with “valuable” insights and practical support to help them protect and expand their international sales in a profitable manner following Brexit.

Amanda Sizer Barrett, director general of the Federation, said: “The last couple of years have seen huge challenges for UK businesses with the uncertainties of Brexit and the current coronavirus pandemic but Gardenex, PetQuip and the CHA are here to help.

“As members of our associations, companies can benefit from our help and support on all aspects of future exporting and we look forward to continuing to work with businesses to help them increase international sales.”

She added: “We are looking forward to supporting UK suppliers in the next months to navigate the outcome of the Brexit deal and to seize the undoubted international business opportunities that lie ahead.”

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