Industry News

Pet specialist marks 35 years in ‘topsy turvy’ trade

Lynda Ward, owner of Pet Trade Solutions, the pet industry’s dedicated recruitment specialists, is celebrating 35 years in the trade and says its gone ‘topsy turvy’.

She explained, “In the early 1980’s the UK’s traditional supply chain could be described as a pyramid shape with a relatively small number of manufacturers or their agents at the top supplying a large number of medium and small sized wholesalers in the middle who in turn supplied a very large number of small independent retailers and a few small chains at the base of the pyramid.

“Gradually, but with increased impetus over the last 15 years, the pyramid has turned upside down, with a much smaller number of independent retailers plus large chains at the peak, supplied in part by fewer but bigger wholesalers, and in part and increasingly direct, by a wide base of manufacturers or their agents.

“Added to this probably the biggest change has been the rapid growth in online retailing direct to the public which has completely skewed the picture and been a major challenge to manufacturers, suppliers and retailers alike – everyone trying to take advantage of the opportunities whilst keeping all their customers happy.”


She continued: “ Is it for the better or for worse? Opinions are varied but no matter the changes we are all happy and grateful to still be enjoying the trade and to have made so many genuine friends and acquaintances along the way.”

Lynda advises on aspects of recruitment and marketing strategy and can be contacted on 07946 743784 or at

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