PIF website sponsors dog friendly awards

MyPetPeople.co.uk, the new website from the Pet Industry Federation (PIF) signposting trusted pet businesses to pet owners, is delighted to announce its sponsorship of the 2017 Dog Friendly Awards.
The annual Dog Friendly Awards recognise, celebrate and reward those businesses and places that go the extra mile for dogs and their owners.
DogFriendly has been helping businesses to open their doors to responsible dog owners and giving their members access to the largest, and most up-to- date database of dog friendly places to visit since 2003. The website has 100,000 registered visitors and 40,000 businesses on its site.
MyPetPeople.co.uk is a new website from PIF, which provides pet owners with details of members in their area through a search facility to help users locate their nearest PIF business quickly and easily. The site enables PIF members to showcase their fantastic services to the public, whilst adhering to codes of conducts to ensure that customers have complete trust in the service they are receiving.
Nigel Baker, PIF CEO, commented: “The Dog Friendly Awards are an amazing fit for PIF’s new MyPetPeople website. The Awards celebrate our devotion to dogs by highlighting the best dog friendly places and businesses and MyPetPeople taps into our desire to do the best for them, by providing a valuable source of information for pet owners looking to find services for their pets. MyPetPeople is therefore thrilled to be supporting the 2017 Dog Friendly Awards.
Dog Friendly Founder, Steve Bennett, commented: “The Dog Friendly Awards is one of the biggest highlights in our calendar and is our chance to thank the businesses who embrace owners sharing experiences with their dogs.
“We know these businesses have benefited greatly from the awards previously and that our customers love to be able to be involved in promoting their favourite places.
“As dog owners word of mouth is one of the most important factors in choosing here to go and where to stay and we see this every day with our members active involvement in providing reviews for both website and magazine.”
Votes can be cast by visiting www.dogfriendlyawards.com where voters can choose from a category and simply click the relevant vote button.