Pets at Home havoc as man is accused of rat theft and employee smashes windscreen

A man accused of stealing a rat caused havoc when staff confronted him at Gloucester Pets at Home, a court was told.
Mark Collier was accused of stealing a rat from the pet shop as he tried to get into his van and drive away.
One of the staff members aiming to stop him was thrown onto the bonnet, reports Gloucestershire Live. The staff member managed to punch through Collier’s van windscreen causing it to shatter.
Collier supposedly then stopped the van, reached for an extension handle for a paint roller from the back of his van due to his upset about the windscreen.
“Members of staff, frightened at seeing him with a weapon and in temper, backed away,” said prosecutor Julian Kesner at Gloucester Crown Court.
Collier faced charges of stealing a pet, driving dangerously as well as affray.
He denied all charges apart from affray.
Judge Jamie Tabor QC told Collier: “When I first read the details of this case it looked really rather serious but the prosecution have taken a view and it is not one I am going to gainsay.
“You ended up with a smashed windscreen and as a result lost your job.”
The judge conditionally discharged Collier for two years.
Staff became suspicious when they noticed him by the rodents with his partner. He then quickly left and staff followed him to his vehicle, however they could not see the rat.
The prosecution took the view that if they couldn’t find it, it is not something they can pursue.
Pets at Home has been contacted for a statement.