Charity called about neglect every four minutes during winter

A charity receives more more calls about neglect to animals than any other issues during the winter months*, receiving on average one call every four minutes.
The figures show the shocking reality.
Last winter the RSPCA took thousands of calls about neglected animals, which leaves the charity and its supporters asking: ‘Where’s the love?’
The charity has today launched its ‘Love Animals, Hate Cruelty’ campaign which aims to bring these issues to the attention of our animal-loving nation and remind people that amongst the celebrations in the build up to the festive season, a huge number of calls are being made to report neglect.
From animals left without shelter or adequate food and water, to those left with painful untreated injuries or illness, statistics show that from October 2015 to January 2016, 45,176 calls were made to the RSPCA about animals suffering due to neglect.
This works out at 15 calls every single hour, not to mention the huge number of other calls the charity receives on top of this relating to other issues like abandonment and deliberate acts of cruelty.
The trend looks to have begun again this winter, as only last week the RSPCA took in a dog suffering from such a severe untreated skin condition, she has virtually no fur left.
The dog, now named ‘Ivy’ is at RSPCA Harmsworth Animal Hospital and is responding well to treatment.
RSPCA superintendent Simon Osborne said: “It’s a sad fact that every day at work throughout the year can be tough for our inspectors and animal welfare and collection officers, but winter really does come with its own challenges and issues. In fact, we expect to take in somewhere in the region of 19,000 animals this winter alone.
“The fact that every four minutes during winter somebody calls us to report neglect to animals is shocking, especially when you add that to all the other calls we receive at the same time about other welfare issues. It really hits home just what we are up against.
“Issues such as animals not been provided with a suitable environment to shelter from the harsh weather and not being given enough food and water to keep them healthy despite the cold and damp are common complaints made to us.”
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