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Shopper finds maggots in supermarket dog food

A shopper has found maggots in a tray of Aldi dog food which made her “almost sick”.

Tricia Gardiner, of Middlesbrough, told The Gazette Live that she almost vomited when she opened the pack of Earl’s Select Supreme Cuisine and found maggots within.

Aldi offered her a refund as well as an apology but Tricia is calling for it to be taken off their shelves.

She told the Gazette Live: “I was absolute disgusted – the smell alone when I opened one of the trays was horrendous, just absolutely vile,”

“The food itself was crawling with maggots which made me want to vomit – I very nearly did.


“Even just thinking of it now makes me feel queasy.”

“They said they had not received any further complaints but you shouldn’t need to receive any more – one should be enough,”

“Obviously the food was either off or had a split in one of the trays and hence a fly or what ever has laid it’s eggs upon it.

“But the product should have been removed from the shelves and checked as soon as I made the complaint.

“What if a person with lack of smell or eyesight had or has bought it?”

In a letter to Tricia, Aldi bosses said: “We are sorry that this incident has happened and wish to advise you that we have not received any other customer complaints in regards to this product.

“Of course, we appreciate that this does not change your experience and regret any distress you may have been caused.”

Aldi offered to refund the product and offered their apologies.

An Aldi spokesperson said: “Incidents of this type are extremely rare. We have apologised to Ms Gardiner and have offered a full refund.”

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