
Pet shop gives food to homeless people’s dogs

A pet shop in Grove, Oxfordshire is driving an initiative to bring food and blankets to homeless people’s dogs.

Sam and Darren Nobbs and Angie Holden from Grove Pet Shop have been distributing donations, with help from volunteers.

Angie Holden said: “Sam, whose husband owns the shop, was watching a video of a guy going around the streets giving free haircuts to the homeless. She and I were having a conversation here in the shop and we said that some homeless people have pets and we’re in a pet shop, why don’t we start something for homeless people’s pets? It took off from there.

“We’ve done really well, we’ve got a huge box that sits in the front of our shop with a sign on it, saying what the donations are for. The public and some of our suppliers have been absolutely amazing and we’ve ended up with quite a bit.


“We went round the streets in Oxford on Sunday and met a couple of really lovely guys who have dogs and we personally gave them some packages that we’d put together that consisted of treats and food and toys and various other bits and pieces and we spent some time with a couple of the guys. They were amazing and they told us some real horror stories about what people have to go through.”

She continued: “We wrote up the story and put it in the shop window with a couple of photographs so people could see what we did and what we spoke about and who we spoke to.”

Can you help Grove Pet Shop by making a donation to its campaign? Get in touch by emailing or go to the shop’s facebook page:

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