Current Affairs

Asia’s cat care market is booming

The Asia Pacific region offers a growing, cat-loving market, according to recent research released by Euromonitor. The business intelligence company has noticed a shift in attitudes towards pet ownership.

Pet populations differ across the region. North Asia prefers dogs. Southeast Asia typically prefers cats, driven by Muslim-dominant Malaysia and Indonesia.

The trend across most Asian markets shows an increasing percentage of cats as pets. In 2015, Japan’s cat population finally caught up with that of dogs, the first to reflect the region’s burgeoning cat loving trend. By 2021, Hong Kong and Singapore are expected to edge closer in mirroring Japan, with cats making 43 percent of the total pet population.

Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines are exceptions, as pet adoption as a whole is increasing faster than the rising pet cat population.


Paula Flores, head of pet care at Euromonitor commented: “The idea that cats are easier to maintain drives their popularity in North Asia. They are perceived to be suitable for smaller apartments as they are thought to be more independent and can be left alone for a longer time.

“For owners who are generally neutral towards dogs or cats as pets, their increasingly busy lifestyles tip their preference towards cats as pets and social media also plays a strong role in encouraging cat ownership. Garnering millions of likes and followers, popular pages by cat owners on Facebook, Line and Instagram draw fellow cat empathisers.”

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