PFMA launches wild bird pack for children

Children will learn to reconnect with nature, with wild bird packs from the Pet Food Manufacturers’ Association (PFMA).
The trade organisation says children spend an average of six hours a day looking at screens. To redress the balance, the PFMA plans to team up with schools in the UK.
The PFMA has developed maths and literacy lesson plans, with a toolkit containing posters. The material will give children an appreciation of the most common British wild birds. It encourages an understanding of the impact of the changing seasons, whilst supporting the national curriculum.
Michael Bellingham, PFMA chief executive, commented: ‘Feeding birds can be great fun and educational. We encourage pet retailers and vets who work with schools in their community to get involved. For all those registering for the project, we are delighted to offer a free bird feeder and food to start the ball rolling!’
Three easy steps to get involved:
- Talk to your local school and encourage the teacher to go online to and register to take part in the project
- Once registered the teacher will be sent a starter pack including a free bird feeder and food and they can download the lesson plans and posters
- Keep in touch with your school contact and let the PFMA know how they get on!
For more information on the wild bird packs, contact Sarah Hormozi or Nicole Paley at or 020 7379 9009.