Trade Organisations

British pet suppliers can boost overseas contacts

Export associations Gardenex and PetQuip have announced the date of their next ‘Meet the Buyers’ event. On 8 June members will have the opportunity to increase worldwide sales by meeting overseas buyers. The event will be held at the Federation’s head office in Brasted, Kent.

UK suppliers will meet on a one-to-one basis with buyers that have already expressed an interest in the product areas to be presented to them.

The international garden product buyers travelling to the UK to meet with British suppliers include a Swiss distributor and wholesaler of lawn, garden and pet care products. The company produces a wholesale catalogue for pet care products and another featuring lawn, turf and gardening products. It supplies leading pet retail and independent shops and is generally looking for innovative products to represent on the Swiss market.

Specific products being sought by the Swiss pet product buyer are wet and dry foods for cats and dogs, as well as snacks and grain mixtures for birds and rodents, bird feeding products, bird houses and insect hotels. 


To apply for 25 minute one-to-one meetings with any of the buyers on 8 June or to find out more about future ‘Meet the Buyers’ events contact


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