
VetPlus plans to invest £2m in Lytham facility

The upgrade promises a five-fold increase in liquid processing capacity while delivering enhanced control mechanisms for crucial functions such as heating, cooling, and cleaning

Veterinary medicine manufacturer VetPlus has announced a £2m investment in its innovation facility, located in Lytham.

According to VetPlus, the investment aims to “revolutionise the business’ production capabilities, elevate product quality, and reinforce the company’s commitment to delivering best-in-class solutions created by its in-house research and development team”.

Among the many initiatives VetPlus is improving its liquids mixing facility, representing a milestone investment of more than £1m. Scheduled for completion later this year at its Boundary Road headquarters, the facility marks the “largest” single project in the company’s history.

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The upgrade promises a five-fold increase in liquid processing capacity while delivering enhanced control mechanisms for crucial functions such as heating, cooling, and cleaning.


In addition to the liquids mixing facility, VetPlus plans to automate the filling process for pots of its popular Fibor supplement. By replacing semi-automatic machinery with advanced automation solutions, the company aims to “boost productivity, ensure unparalleled accuracy, and introduce new metal detection capabilities to fortify quality control measures”.

The group recently also announced the launch of two new products to improve the care of companion animals, with the expansion of its popular Sustain and Gomega ranges.

David Haythornthwaite, VetPlus founder and chairman, said: “This significant investment forms part of our ambitious growth plans as we continue to expand both our product development capabilities and our international distribution network. It not only underscores our dedication to developing world-class products, but also demonstrates our unwavering commitment to providing our customers with unparalleled quality and reliability.”

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